Please respect match anglers. Do not obstruct or walk by or disturb the anglers and remain quiet at all time.
Pleasure Fishing
- Fishing with rods and poles only – no hand lines no fly fishing
- Course pellet only – may be purchased from the tackle shop
- No floating or surface baits, no bread, no dog biscuits
- No meat of any kind including cat dog and luncheon meat
- No, nuts or tiger nuts
- 2 kilos of ground bait maximum
- No braid allowed
- 2 rods maximum
- No fishing from the banks use the designated platforms
- Unused bait must not be thrown into the lakes or left on the banks – remove all unused bait and
- No fishing beyond the islands or into neighbouring peg swim
- Do not feed the wildlife
- No alcohol fires or barbeques
- No swimming or wading
- Fishing from platforms only
- No, keep nets or sacks
- All fish are to be returned to the water immediately.
- All anglers must have a good-sized landing net
- No fixed leads or feeders – must be free running
- No reserving of pegs for other anglers
- No dogs or other pets allowed on site
- Barbless hooks only
- All children must be accompanied by an adult at all times
- Litter to be placed in bins or taken home
- Please use the toilet facilities by the café – no fouling of the grounds
- Please respect other anglers
- No groups of spectators allowed. viewing from the café deck and road bank benches only
- Cars parked at drivers' own risk, secure your valuables. Harvey Lloyd fisheries ltd take no responsibility for
any injury to persons or property whilst visiting or fishing at the complex